Have you ever found a forgotten package of meat in your freezer and wondered if it was still safe to eat? The short answer is that frozen meat can be stored for up to two years without the risk of foodborne illness.

However, the quality of the meat may deteriorate over time due to freezer burn or changes in flavor and texture. Let’s take a closer look at how long frozen meat can last and what signs indicate that it is no longer safe to eat.

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How Long Does Meat Last in the Freezer?

The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service recommends that all fresh cuts of beef, pork, lamb, and veal be stored in the freezer for no more than 12 months. Similarly, poultry should be used within nine months.

Any longer than these recommended times and you risk the development of ice crystals on the surface of your meat which leads to an unpleasant flavor or texture. This condition is known as “freezer burn” and is caused by air exposure or improper packaging.

What are Signs That My Frozen Meat has Gone Bad?

If your frozen meat has been properly stored in an airtight container or vacuum sealed bag, there are several signs that indicate it is no longer safe to consume.

First, check for any discoloration on either side of the meat; if there is any browning or grayish coloration this could indicate spoilage.

Secondly, check for slimy residue; if your cut of beef feels slimy when touched then this indicates that bacteria have begun growing on its surface and it should not be consumed.

Thirdly, check for any ice crystals forming in pockets on or within the meat itself; these could be an indication of age or poor storage conditions.

Finally, smell your cut of beef; if you detect any off odors then this also signals spoilage.

Defrosting Frozen Meat

In addition to checking for spoilage signs, take care in properly defrosting and cooking your meat before consuming it.

When defrosting your meats for cooking, always ensure that they are completely thawed before cooking them so as not to risk undercooking them and causing potential food borne illness.

Also keep in mind that when reheating cooked meats from frozen leftovers, they should also be brought up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit before serving in order to prevent bacteria growth.

Tips On Storing Meat

To make sure your frozen meat stays safe and edible for as long as possible, you should always store it at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below.

Additionally, it’s best to wrap the meat in airtight packaging so that no air can get inside and cause spoilage. It's also important to label the packages with dates so that you know exactly when each item was frozen.

You should also try to use the oldest meats first so that nothing goes bad in your freezer. Lastly, don’t forget to keep your freezer full since cold air will circulate better in a full freezer than an empty one!


In summary, frozen meats can last up to two years with proper storage conditions but can become unsafe once they reach their expiration date.

If you have any doubts about whether a two year old cut of beef is safe to eat then play it safe and discard it immediately. Always check for signs such as discoloration or odd odors before cooking and eating your frozen meats!

With careful inspection, storing and handling you can enjoy meals made with frozen meats without having to worry about food safety issues!

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