Refrigerator water filters are an important part of the appliance and should be changed regularly. Not changing them can have serious consequences, such as reduced water pressure, unpleasant taste or odor in your drinking water, and even health risks. Read on to learn why it’s so important to change your refrigerator water filter on a regular basis.

Why You Should Change Your Filter Regularly

Most refrigerator manufacturers recommend that you change the filter in your fridge every 6 months to ensure safe drinking water. This is because over time, contaminants such as rust, bacteria, and sediment build up in the filter and can make their way into your drinking water if not removed.

If left too long without being changed, these contaminants can also reduce the amount of water pressure coming from the fridge's dispenser. Not only does this decrease convenience when using the dispenser, but it also means that you are consuming more contaminants than you would otherwise be with a new filter installed.

In addition to potentially reducing your water pressure, a dirty or clogged filter can also affect the taste and smell of your drinking water. If you notice that your tap or bottled water tastes better than what comes out of your refrigerator's dispenser, it's probably time to change that filter!  

Plus, a dirty or clogged filter can lead to potential health risks if not removed in a timely manner due to bacterial growth within the filter itself. This is especially true in areas with hard water where sediment builds up quickly and can be detrimental if not addressed quickly enough.

Finally, not changing your refrigerator filter regularly can damage your fridge's internal components due to increased pressure from having to force dirty water through a dirty or clogged filter. This can damage both the motor as well as other delicate plumbing parts within the fridge which can then lead to costly repairs or replacement costs for you down the road.

How To Change Your Filter

Changing your refrigerator's filter is usually fairly simple - most refrigerators come with instructions on how to do it properly (or you can google it!). Generally speaking, all you need is an appropriately sized replacement filter (which can usually be purchased at any local hardware store or online through Amazon) and a few minutes of free time!

Once you've found an appropriate replacement filter for your fridge model number, simply follow the instructions provided by either the manufacturer or online instructions to complete the process. It may seem like an inconvenience right now but remember that it will save you both money and potential health risks down the road!


In sum, changing your refrigerator's water filter regularly is essential for ensuring safe drinking water free from unpleasant tastes and smells as well as potential health risks due to bacteria buildup within dirty filters.

If left unchecked for too long, these problems only get worse so make sure that you take care of this important task on a regular basis! Doing so will save both time and money while helping keep yourself safe from potentially dangerous contaminants lurking within ageing filters.

If you need a new refrigerator water filter, then check out our article and top picks!

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